Field Study Day Resources
Field Study Day Resources
WPCS 8th Grade Promotion Standards
WPCS 8th Grade Promotion Standards
WPCS 8th Grade Promotion Standards
According to the Westside Preparatory Charter School Bylaws, current eighth grade students must meet the following criteria in order to participate in the Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony.
- The student must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- The student may not have an “F” in the last trimester.
- Students on IEPs need to meet or be working towards the goals of their IEP.
- The student must have completed all 15 Community Service hours before promotion.
- The student must have submitted every Field Study Day report.
- Students may not have any suspensions in the last trimester and no more than 5 days unexcused absences in the 3rd trimester.
- Students may not have any unpaid fines or fees.
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices Policy
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices Policy
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices Policy
The staff at WPCS Campus realize that we are living in the 21st Century and that many technologies, including cell phones, are readily available to our students. In order to make the best use of these technologies, while maintaining a rigorous educational environment, the following guidelines are to be used with all cell phones and electronic devices in reference to TRUSD Board Policy 5131.8.
- Phones and personal electronic devices must be turned off the entire school day, not in vibration or silent mode, but turned ENTIRELY OFF. Devices may be secured in the student’s backpack (at your own risk) or they may be given to the homeroom teacher (to be stored in a cell phone locker) at the beginning of the day.
- Family/friends texting or calling during instructional time negatively impacts student learning and takes away from instructional activities.
- Should there ever be an emergency, the office will immediately communicate with families via our phone outreach program.
- Students may ONLY use cell phones or electronic devices with staff permission/some teachers may incorporate the use of cell phone applications during the instructional day.
- If students do not follow the cell phone and electronic devices policy, the phone will be taken and secured for the day in the front office and a consequence will be issued.
- If infractions continue, staff members will conference with the student and family to develop acceptable use policies and consequences.
- When a school official reasonably suspects that a search of a student's mobile communication device will turn up evidence of the student's violation of the law or school rules, such a search shall be conducted in accordance with BP/AR 5145.12 - Search and Seizure.
- The school and staff are NOT responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones or electronic equipment. The responsibility totally rests with the student should they bring any electronic device, including cell phones, to school.